In ANY emergency, dial 9-1-1 first.
For non-emergencies 935-0057
Records - 935 -2088
John A. Pelura, III, Chief of Police
129 West Broadway

Lt. Christopher Pew
Internal Affairs
Phone: 856-935-0588
Detective Unit:  935-0033
Requirements: Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and possess a high school diploma or GED and have NOT been convicted of a felony.

The New Jersey Department of Personnel administers the entry level testing. Generally, test announcements along with applications come out in January and must be returned shortly thereafter. The applications are processed, and the test is usually administered in the spring. It is strongly recommended that you enroll in a test preparation course before taking any law enforcement exam. The exams are then graded and lists are returned to the agencies ranking applicants by score.

Preference is given to Resident Veterans, then Residents, then County Veterans, then County Residents.

After the applicant passes the test and is chosen, they fill out an application. An exhaustive background investigation is done. Special attention is given to the driving record and any arrests. The applicant must also be of sound moral character and in moderately good physical shape.

After the background investigation is completed, the applicant will submit to drug testing and finally a psychological exam.

The applicant is then scheduled for the next police academy and must successfully complete the roughly 24 weeks of training. Once training is complete the candidate will complete at least two months of OJT with a field training officer and complete a one year working test period.


   Information regarding Attorney General Directive 2018-6 regarding the Strengthening Trust  
between Law Enforcement and immigrant communities.


A. Notwithstanding any provision in this SOP, officers/detectives can ask any
questions necessary to complete a T Visa or U Visa certification.

1. Generally, officers/detectives cannot disclose the immigration status
of a person requesting T- or U-visa certification except to comply
with state or federal law or legal process, or if authorized by the visa
2. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict,
prohibit, or in any way prevent officers/detectives from sending to,
maintaining, or receiving from federal immigration authorities any
information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or
unlawful, of any individual (see 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373, 1644).

B. Non-citizens could be eligible for a U visa if:

1. They are the victims of qualifying criminal activity;
2. They have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result
of having been a victim of criminal activity;
3. They have information about the criminal activity;
4. They were helpful, are helpful, or are likely to be helpful to law
enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of the crime;
5. The crime occurred in the United States or violated U.S. laws.
6. He/she is admissible to the United States. If not admissible, an
individual may apply for a waiver on a Form I-192, Application for
Advance Permission to Enter as a Non-Immigrant.
7. If the person is under the age of 16 or unable to provide information
due to a disability, a parent, guardian, or friend may assist law
enforcement on his/her behalf.
8. NOTE: Given the complexity of U visa petitions, petitioners often
work with a legal representative or a victim advocate.

C. If an individual believes he/she may qualify for a U visa, then he/she or
his/her representative will complete a USCIS Form I-918, Petition for U
Nonimmigrant Status (Form I-918) and submit it to U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) with all relevant documentation, including a
USCIS Form I-918B U Visa Law Enforcement Certification (Form I-918B).

D. This agency’s responsibilities are limited to certifying that an alien, who is or
was the victim of a qualifying crime in Salem County, is, has or will
cooperate with the investigation and/or prosecution of such crime.

E. Aliens or their representatives seeking certification for a U visa be referred
to the First Assistant Prosecutor.  The First Assistant Prosecutor will cause
an inquiry into the matter to determine if the alien has been:

1. A victim of a qualifying crime under the jurisdiction of the respective
law enforcement agency and/or the Salem County Prosecutor’s
2. Has specific knowledge and details of crime; and
3. Has been, is being, or is likely to be helpful to law enforcement in the
detection, investigation, or prosecution of the qualifying crime

F. Aliens or their representatives seeking certification for crimes occurring
outside the jurisdiction of Salem County shall be referred to the local
jurisdiction or the county prosecutor’s office in which the crime occurred.

G. The First Assistant Prosecutor shall assign the inquiry a case number in

H. Upon determining that the alien has satisfied the above requirements, the
First Assistant Prosecutor shall execute Form I-918, Supplement B, U
Nonimmigrant Status.  (see below)

I. The completed form shall be forwarded to the Prosecutor or his/her
designee for signature. 

1. The original fully executed form shall be returned to the applicant or
his/her representative; and

2. The First Assistant Prosecutor shall forward a copy to central
records to be maintained in the case file.

J. The Prosecutor or his/her designee may withdraw or disavow a Form I-
918B at any time if a victim stops cooperating.  The First Assistant
Prosecutor must notify the USCIS Vermont Service Center in writing
(including as an email attachment) at:

USCIS-Vermont Service Center
ATTN: Division 6
75 Lower Welden Street
St. Albans, VT 05479

K. If the First Assistant Prosecutor determines that USCIS should know
something particular about a victim’s criminal history, that information can
be cited on the certification or with an attached report or statement detailing
the victim’s criminal history with that law enforcement agency or his/her
involvement in the crime.

L. Such written notification regarding withdrawal or disavowal must include:

1. This agency’s name and contact information (if not included in the
2. The name and date of birth of the individual certified;
3. The name of the individual who signed the certification and the date
it was signed;
4. The reason the agency is withdrawing/disavowing the certification
including information describing how the victim’s refusal to
cooperate in the case is unreasonable;
5. The signature and title of the official who is withdrawing/ disavowing
the certification; and
6. A copy of the signed initial certification.

M. Non-citizens may be eligible for a T Visas if:

1. Is or has been a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons
(which may include sex or labor trafficking); and
2. Is in the United States due to trafficking;
3. Has complied with requests for assistance in an investigation or
prosecution of the crime of trafficking; and
4. Would suffer extreme hardship involving unusual and severe harm if
removed from the United States.

N. The T visa declaration is supplementary evidence of a victim’s assistance
to law enforcement that an official can complete for a T visa applicant. The
declaration must be provided on Form I-914, Supplement B, and
instructions are available on the USCIS website at

O. The First Assistant Prosecutor will process T Visas in the same way as U

Links to Documents mentioned above, & Instructions
I-914 Form
I-914 Instructions
I-914 Supplement A
I-914 Supplement B
I-914 Supplement B Instructions
I-918 Form
I-918 Instructions
I-918 Supplement A
I-918 Supplement B
I-918 Supplement B Instructions


There is a new process for filing for a Firearms ID card and Handgun purchasing permits. See the tips below.*

Salem City PD ORI# : NJ0171200

Already have ID card and want a handgun permit, change of address? Fill out the following:

Go here: ($20 will need to be paid online)

Come to the police station with $2 cash for each handgun permit.

Don’t have an ID card?

Go here:

($53.91 will need to paid to IdentGo when you schedule your finger prints.

Come to the police station with $2 cash for each handgun permit and $5 for the initial FID Card.

Money for FID card and purchase permits are due at time of application filing and is non-refundable.


The new online application is APPLICANT DRIVEN. If you make a mistake while applying, you can simply RE-APPLY. You should understand that all application fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. You MUST utilize the correct ORI for the Salem City Police Department. The ORI is NJ0171200.

Most of the ISSUES INCURRED/CREATED by the APPLICANT during the online application process are unable to be altered after submission and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Applicants can apply via
The ORI for Salem PD is NJ171200.

FARS is taking the place of the STS 033 form. Applicants can apply for all the same options as the paper application form with the exception of Permits to Carry.

Permits to Carry are not able to be applied for utilizing FARS currently. Future phases of FARS will accept Permit to Carry Applications. The paper application still applies to Permits to Carry.

You MUST enter your “Official Name”. You cannot utilize simplified versions of your name (Joe vs. Joseph).
Applicants must enter accurate phone numbers and emails for themselves and their references.

Family members can be references.

After you enter all required information, a REVIEW PAGE appears where the you can edit all information entered into the application prior to final submission.

An INITIAL APPLICANT will be able to PRINT OUT their FINGERPRINT FORM at the end of the application, and are directed to do so. The applicant is also directed to print both the confirmation page and application at the end of the process. This is for quick reference in the event of an issue.

No payment is taken from initial applicants by FARS. Only 212A applicants will pay at the end of their online application process. Initial applicants are instructed to bring payment to the Salem City Police Department, 129 West Broadway, Salem upon applying.

Police Departments must receive the applicant fees for the FID cards and Pistol Purchase Permits at the time of the application, NOT when picking up their issued paperwork as per NJ administrative code N.J.A.C. 13:54.