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Text of Mayor Charles Washington's Remarks to the City Council, during the 2016 Reorganization Meeting.
I would like to thank everyone for coming to share this day with City Council and me as we reorganize for a new year.
Every year on this day we are given new opportunity to inform, inspire and give hope, founded on a core belief that Salem's greatest days are yet ahead of her. Fully persuaded that we as a community will be fulfilled when our quality of life is enhanced and economic disparities are met with job creation, residential, commercial and industrial development. The question asked amongst this governing body is what do we want to be when we grow up or simply how do we shape the future of our great city? In turn the greater questions are posed; what does our future look like to us and how do we get there? The answers lie in our ability to create a holistic plan, an effective policy to support the plan and garner support from our residents, businesses and faith based community.
As Mayor, my primary focus for the first phase of this new term is to develop a comprehensive plan to grow our city's economy and create jobs, improve housing and public safety, and build stronger relationships with local businesses, agencies, faith organizations, and nonprofits. While we have many plans available that address individual pockets of need for our city, it is imperative that
we clearly map out the core goals for our community and create a clear pathway forward. There are existing plans that support various subsections of our community. However, the plan I speak of is one that is comprehensive; inclusive of all key stakeholders within our city, needed to effect a substantive and sustainable change.
This plan will address the issues with our port; provide direction for commercial expansion and industrial business; and improve neighborhoods while showcasing our historic character. More importantly this Master Plan will allow for the input of various community stakeholders in their respective sectors. In order for this plan to be comprehensive, it must be an inclusive and collaborative effort. But, it's imperative that the City leads with its vision in all areas of commercial, residential, economic, and industrial development when supporting those who have a plan to help rejuvenate our city. Partnerships with other agencies will need to be clearly defined and expectation plainly stated - with the understanding that outside plans must conform and fit into the overall vision and plan our elected officials outline.
far too long we've not been leading as a governing body but following those who have already crafted their plans and we've been validating other's plans without having a plan of our own to consult.

It is important that our comprehensive plan be one that can easily be communicated to our constituents and those who intend to invest in the vision. It's imperative that the comprehensive plan be comprised of strategic and palatable segments, an action plan - simplifying short-term and long-term community goals and objectives. This action plan is the plan that needs to be used when engaging community stakeholders for their buy in. The action plan should be a condensed document that can be given to any investor who asks what our vision is for our city. Our action plan should be given to our community planners who are continually looking for ways to meet their mission and make Salem a better place to work and  call home. More importantly  it should  be used  as an aid to help bolster funding applications and identify funding poos that state  expected outcomes.
It's time to give voice to the vision we have for our city; a city rich in history, strong  blue collar work force, agency, volunteerism and limitless opp01iunity. Opportunity  with  an  underutilized port that has been designated a port of entry and foreign trade  zone.  We  believe it's going to be  our port that spearheads our economic rebound. We envision  small  ships and  barges  docking  at out port loading and unloading containers and good that come from and  are destined  to  not  just our country but the world. We've  committed  to investing  in the vision  for  our port by hiring  GS! a think tank to utilize their experience in the maritime business, creating policy and networking connections with p01is in the region, country and world.
believe our p01i will give bitih to employment opportunities and attract commerce that utilizes our foreign trade zone creating additional jobs for Salem City and county residents. We envision storage lay down areas, distribution and assembly centers to complement our port moving foods throughout the world. The maritime business is a multi-billion dollar industry: trade is opening all around the world and it's time for our port to expand and take advantage of the opportunity.
industry comes it gives way for commercial opportunities as well. While we have our local mom and pop shops there is a younger generation that welcomes commercial retail such as franchises. We have to create a plan that continues to support our local business district but gives way for the future and a more recognizable retail that our college graduates returning home can relate to. As we create a community that is attractive to a younger demographic we believe this will create a need for mixed housing in our city. Diverse housing that respects and preserves the rich history of our City but also housing that showcases a more modern home design that attracts a young working class of home owners.
While planning to reinvent our city we have to plan not just for the population that is to come but for the residents who currently reside. We will write policy to ensure that as we are building up our community we are not pushing our faithful residents out. We want to write policy that doesn't alienate our current residents but gives many of them an oppotiunity to make investments through homeownership or be the first to be employed by the new industries that will be making Salem their home. I will work to make sure that our current residents have oppotiunities to attain employment and a livable wage in order to be able to afford homes in the historic district, Washington Hall or any of the new developments to come.
The City's Master Plan must have those agencies, businesses, churches and residents at the table so we can collectively shape the future of our city together. Town hall meetings will give the forum for our residents to hear our plans and to give input. Roundtables will be used for our businesses and faith based partners to share and receive information to cover our community in prayer. It is often said that one who fails to plan; plans to fail. It is our purpose to devise a plan that will navigate our city into a new age.
A new age where we are not talking about what was but what is to come. A new age where we are looked to for niche market port operations. A new age where all age groups can embrace Salem City and all she has to offer. A new age that continuously gives birth to pathways toward prosperity and opportunity. A new age where we are defined not by misperception but by the realization of vision, dreams and hope come to fruition.
the book of Ezekiel in the 37 chapter the question was asked cornering a land that was deemed to be dry and desolate. Can there bones live? And instruction was given concerning that land to Prophesy upon these bones, and unto them, 0 ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
I've heard the question asked of Salem, can she become vibrant and thriving once again? I would reiterate the words spoken to Ezekiel; I say to you prophesy to our city: speak life to her; speak stable
economy; speak homeownership, speak acceptable quality of life; speak job creation, speak community involvement; speak unity and speak pride. And know that ifwe prophesy over our city it will come to pass! Because Salem's best days are truly yet ahead ofus.
Thank you, God Bless You and God Bless Salem City.